Monday Night Hangovers

crim foundersautumn classic

In the summer of 2012, four friends came together to go running and then go to the bar.  It seemed like an innocent enough gathering…..

One of the group (it was Jojo) suggested that we should do this every week and possibly do some 5Ks and races and such.  Justin immediately signed on for this, a trait that was typical of the clan Caine.   The two friends named “Tim”, being the wiser and sexier members of the group, calmly suggested that we should try it next week and see where it goes. (because the “Tim”s were pimp like that….soooooo pimp)

But as it turns out Jojo was on to something, and a group was formed one night after many post-run beers.  Races were run (Crim Festival of Races was one of the best!), new members were recruited (mostly so there would be even more people that could run faster than Nester…zing…), more runs were scheduled, a facebook page was created (nice work there, Schmitt!), more beers were drank, more races were run (Capital City River Run Half Marathon and Playmakers Autumn Classic), and still more beers were drank, and more members continued to be added.

And so it came to be that this WordPress site was created and an actual group has been brought into creation, ’cause it’s on the internet…and only the internet can validate your existence.

If you are new to this…check out the Facebook page HERE

Hope to see you some Monday night, or at a race we’re doing, or around Lansing, or wherever.

Happy Running!!!!  Cheers!

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